Sunday, February 23, 2014

How to use No Limits 2, Tutorial 3, Dips, turns, roll points and triggers

Hello again and welcome to tutorial 3 on how to use No Limits 2.  This lesson is going to go over making dips, turns, roll points and triggers.

You know the drill.  Open up NL2 editor, open your park file and select the coaster you left off on.
We'll start off with making a dip.  Go to Track tab and click Add Vertex.
Then place the vertex at a lower height.  And then place the next vertex higher than the previous one to make the track go up.
 Now to make a turn.  You can use the previous vertices made or add more to make a turn.  What you do is change the point of view.  So I'm going to change it from the Right to the Top.
 Then in the Track tab, go to Select/Modify and select a vertex.  Then click and drag to the left or right.
To make a banked turn, stay in the Track tab and choose Add Roll.  Then click them on the track at the place you want them.
 Double click on the Roll Point. and this window will pop up.  This is were you can tilt the track left and right.  See the buttons + 45, + 10, = 0, - 1, - 10, - 45? those are where you enter how steep to tilt the track.
Now for triggers.  The trigger is a setting used on the spinning and suspended coasters.  To add a trigger, go to Add Trigger in the Track tab and place one on the track.
 Now double click on the Trigger and the Trigger Settings should pop up.  There are four options.  Unlock Spinning, Lock Spinning (Spinning Coasters), Unlock Swinging, and Lock Swinging (Suspended Coaster).
Now click Apply.

Well that's it for this lesson.  If there's any questions about the tutorials or if you don't understand something, be free to leave a comment.  Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I was wondering how to create catwalks on a steel coaster, I've been searching all around the internet and have had no luck so far. Can you help?
