Thursday, February 20, 2014

My first project is almost complete

Well, I'm almost complete with my first No Limits 2 roller coaster project.  Remember the purple coaster with the yellow trains that I named Storm?  I was talking about it in my second blog post.  I was also talking about including a second coaster in that environment by the name of Ultimate.  I finally got Ultimate's track layout completed.  The only thing I have to do now is add the supports on both Storm and Ultimate.

Here's some pictures

The layout seen from the top of the lift hill.
 Ultimate runs with four trains.  Two white ones facing 
forwards.  Two black ones facing backwards.
 Ultimate's turn-around seen on Storm.
 One of the trains flying by.
 Flying by a high-speed curve.
The layout seen from the final hill.

Now just some general information about Ultimate, it is over 300 ft tall and goes around 90 mph top speed. Unfortunately the ride is only around 4,100 feet in length.  Which is pretty short for a coaster of this type. Also I wanted to tell you that the trains fly down the track.  From the first drop to the brake run at the end, this ride keeps its speed over 55 mph.

This is all I've got for now.  I'll keep you updated on this project, and many others that will come along in the future.  Thanks for reading.

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