Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Blog Changes For 2015

Hello and happy new year.  It is 2015, and I would like to apologize to my readers that I haven't been posting for the past nine or ten months.  I also have an announcement to make about blog changes.

For blog changes, I wanted to focus on reality more than fantasy, which means I'm going to focus less on the No Limits 2 software (I'll still try to do some No Limits posts).  But I want to talk more about real theme parks and real roller coasters.  It's one thing to create fake rides on your computer but it's another to physically ride them.

My idea was to write reviews on theme parks that I'll go to in the future.  I'm making a five-year plan and I have a list of parks that I plan to go to within that time frame.  This summer, I plan to go to Adventureland in Iowa and my hometown park, Valleyfair in Minnesota.

That's all that I have for this post.  I hope you stay tuned for future posts of my blog.

Thanks for reading.

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