Hello. I'm Nick Bonneau, and I'm here to show you how to get started on No Limits 2. Starting a new roller coaster on NL2 is easy and fun. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to start a new coaster and build a station for it. I will be having other tutorials on building a No Limits 2 roller coaster very soon.
Lets get started.
The steps will be explained with words and pictures.
First, open up NL2. And go to the Editor.
Go to File, New.
Name your new park.
Confirm to making a new park file.
Go to the Coaster tab on the top (the one highlighted in blue) and click on New Coaster.
Name your coaster.
Then in the Coaster tab, go down to Coaster Properties.
In the Coaster Properties menu, there's 7 different tabs. The Style tab shows a list of available wood and steel coaster styles. For this one I'm going to choose the Arrow Dynamics Suspended Coaster
(popular back in the 1980-90s)
The Mode tab shows the three available operation modes. Closed Circuit, Shuttle and Scripted. Now Scripted mode I've never tried because it involves some complex steps. For this one, I'll go with Closed Circuit. The other things in this tab don't really matter. so leave them alone.
The Trains tab lets you adjust the amount of trains and the cars per trains.
The Colors tab lets you choose the colors for the track, supports, trains and catwalks.
For now we'll skip the, Info, Scripts and Statistics tabs, and say OK for the Coaster Properties.
Now to get a straight piece of track for the station, you go to the Elements tab and click on Add Element.
Click on Straight Formula. And then click OK.
Enter in the length of the track you want to put in place. Making sure it's more than long enough to hold the train in the station.
For this step, just click OK.
Now you have your piece of track. Now you probably want to move it up a little higher. To do that, just go to the right almost to the top. Click on that, and you get you different point of view options. For this, just click on Left or Right.
Now to move your track segment, you have to highlight it. Afterwards, click and drag it in the direction needed.
In the Track tab, go down and click on Add Type Separator.
Add your Type Separators by clicking on the specific spot of the track you want it on. After that, go to Section Type, then to Station.
To get to your Station Section Settings, double click on the station segment. This menu will have four tabs. Mode, Wait Time, Brake Device and Transport Device.
In the Mode tab (previous picture), you have your station layout settings. In the Wait Time tab, you can set how long the trains stay at the station.
In the Brake Device tab, you have your brake settings for the station.
The Transport Device tab lets you adjust the station launch settings. You can also disable the Transport Device as an option. However for your coaster to work then, you would have to tilt the track downwards.
Remember to save your project while working on it and when you're done. This way you are less likely to loose what you have worked on. Just go to File, Save.
This is all I have for now. I will be posting a tutorial on adding a lift hill later tonight or tomorrow.
Thanks for reading, Nicholas Bonneau.