Monday, August 3, 2015

Done with my first (presentable) NL2 coaster!

Hello readers.  I know, "another post this quick, what's going on?"  Well, I just finished my first presentable No Limits 2 Roller Coaster.  Remember the one from the last blog post?

I introduce to you, "Trailblazer"
 Trailblazer is a B&M styled floorless coaster.  Trailblazer is 133 ft tall and achieves a top speed of 58 mph.  The ride also has five inversions ans is 3,800 ft long.
 This is the second half of Trailblazer that wasn't completed in the last post.
 I was inspired to make Trailblazer a partial terrain coaster and I did so with this little valley section.  The valley part of the ride contains the final two inversions (a loop and a corkscrew) and a 105 ft long underground tunnel.
There's The train peaking out of the tunnel.

Unfortunately I don't have a YouTube video of it yet and because I'm working on the other coasters for Legends Park (the file that it's in), there won't be a video until all of the coasters are complete.  

One of my coaster ideas is a Great Coasters International wooden twister coaster with some kind of inversion.  It seems to be the new trend with wood coasters.  I mean first, it's Rocky Mountain Construction.  Then the Gravity Group.  Why hasn't GCI stepped up to the plate yet?  Inversions and over-banked turns are the new trend for wooden coasters as they become more like their steel cousins.

Post to you later,

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