Monday, August 3, 2015

Preview for my second coaster design

Here's a teaser for my second roller coaster design for "Legends Park".  This wooden masterpiece is called "Sasquatch" and it's a Great Coasters International styled wood twister coaster.  Unlike other GCI wood coasters, this will be the first to feature an inversion.

 The first drop and the corkscrew.
The GCI "Millennium Flyer" train rolling through the corkscrew.

It's not yet complete. but when it is, I'll post more pictures.  I honestly got a lot more than just this done but I'm hoping to complete it and surprise you with the rest.

Post to you later,

Done with my first (presentable) NL2 coaster!

Hello readers.  I know, "another post this quick, what's going on?"  Well, I just finished my first presentable No Limits 2 Roller Coaster.  Remember the one from the last blog post?

I introduce to you, "Trailblazer"
 Trailblazer is a B&M styled floorless coaster.  Trailblazer is 133 ft tall and achieves a top speed of 58 mph.  The ride also has five inversions ans is 3,800 ft long.
 This is the second half of Trailblazer that wasn't completed in the last post.
 I was inspired to make Trailblazer a partial terrain coaster and I did so with this little valley section.  The valley part of the ride contains the final two inversions (a loop and a corkscrew) and a 105 ft long underground tunnel.
There's The train peaking out of the tunnel.

Unfortunately I don't have a YouTube video of it yet and because I'm working on the other coasters for Legends Park (the file that it's in), there won't be a video until all of the coasters are complete.  

One of my coaster ideas is a Great Coasters International wooden twister coaster with some kind of inversion.  It seems to be the new trend with wood coasters.  I mean first, it's Rocky Mountain Construction.  Then the Gravity Group.  Why hasn't GCI stepped up to the plate yet?  Inversions and over-banked turns are the new trend for wooden coasters as they become more like their steel cousins.

Post to you later,

Preview of my Summer Project

Hello readers, I'm sorry I have not posted in months, but hey, I'm back.  I'm also sorry to say that I won't be able to make it to Adventureland in Iowa this year.  I did go to Valleyfair however and I'll have a lot to say about it in one of my later posts.

So currently in my world of No Limits 2, I've been working on a file called "Legends Park".  So far it only contains an uncompleted Bolliger & Mabillard styled floorless coaster called "Trailblazer".  It's 133 ft tall and achieves a top speed of 58 mph.  It is also planned to have five inversions and a total length of around 4,000 ft.

 Here's the layout so far.

For those who aren't familiar with a B&M floorless coaster, here's how it works.  Like an inverted coaster, there's no floor for your feet to rest on.  However, unlike an inverted coaster, the track is underneath you, just like a traditional roller coaster.  So how would you be able to board the ride without the danger of slipping on the rails?

Simple.  The coaster has a hidden loading platform.  The platform hides off the sides of the tracks.  And when the train pulls into the station, the platform folds up over the track.  This platform is made to fit around the shape and size of the train cars so it is critical for the train to slowly stop at the correct spot in order for the platform to fit the train.
At the station with the loading platform up.
The loading platform is folding into the sides.
The loading platform is hidden into the side of the tracks.
The train is ready to go!

I originally completed Trailblazer as a B&M styled stand-up coaster by a completely different name of "Excalibur".  The layout was different, but very similar .  It was the same height and speed, but it only had three inversions and a total length of around 3,200 ft.  The station up to the inclined loop from Excalibur I am using for Trailblazer but the rest will be different.  Also the color scheme is different.

Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of the Excalibur coaster I designed.  Just remember, the first half of what will be the completed Trailblazer is the same as Excalibur.

The spiraling first drop.
  Preforming the Pretzel Maneuver (a Dive Loop and an Immelmann).
 The third inversion, an inclined loop.
 The last turn before the mid-course brakes.
After the brake run, the track goes down into a valley and performs a vertical loop.
And that's all I have so far.

So yeah, I'm gonna continue on that project and I will add more coasters for Legends Park afterwards.  I'll keep you guys updated (even if that means 6 months from now) and hopefully when all of Legends Park is complete, I'll make a YouTube video of it and all of the coasters in it.

Post to you later,